Today I went to a birthday party at Nunley's Carousel for my friend Megan. She turned 4 and her party was so much fun!
I loved seeing all the beautiful horses and I rode the carousel today for the first time!
My brother Brendan was really taken with how big the horses were.
My brother Royce didn't want to go to the party at first, because he said carousels were for babies. He whined and complained all morning. To get Royce to stop whining and come to the party, my mom made a bet with him. She said that if he went and didn't have a good time, she would take him to the candy store, but if he did go and had a good time, he would have to give my mom 1 full day without complaining. Since he clearly had a great time, my mom is really looking forward to her complaint free day...although, she told me she thinks it's a long shot that it will actually happen.
For the first time, my brother Brendan was able to go on the carousel without my mom or dad holding onto him. He has gotten so big and strong!
This is Royce's friend Daniel. He is the son of one of my dad's best childhood friends, Francisco. My dad says that Royce and Daniel look exactly like he and his friend did when they were 5.

Here's a nice picture of my dad and my brothers.....
......and here's Royce doing his new favorite thing which is to make goofy faces when Mommy is trying to take a picture.
Yummy cupcakes, yummy, yummy.........
"Look mom, I'm eating a cupcake like the big kids!"
Here's Brendan giving me a big hug. He loves to give hugs, he's the best brother!
This was a really fun party!
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